Those of you familiar with Northern English duo Aquilo will recall their indie-pop electronica in tracks like the epic ‘You There’ or the heartbreaking ambience of ‘I Gave It All’. Since then, Tom Higham and Ben Fletcher have expanded their sound quite a bit, stepping out of the restrictions of DIY laptop production and with some astonishing results. Just last month, they released ‘I Could Fight On A Wall’, a song which stayed true to their original sound, but with a richer tapestry of sonic innovation. That track now appears to have been an indication of their developing style, moving away from minimalist electronics and into a folky strings and richer harmonies. ‘Thin’ strikes of Fleet Foxes, Ben Howard, Justin Nozuka and early Local Natives, becoming one of their most surprising releases to date. Opening with gently plucked acoustic strings and layered, yet hushed, vocals, the Aquilo boys don’t stick around in the softened territory for long as a brief pause prepares the listener for an organic refrain of campfire percussion and fall-and-rise synths. It’s a great single that beckons in Aquilo’s newest lengthy release, simply titled ii, which the pair are sharing in two halves. Side A will be available for your eager ears next month, while you’ll have to hang on until 2018 for Side B. - HT
